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Who said salads had to be boring and tasteless? This ultra-tasty zucchini salad, with its crispy salmon cubes, vegetables and lemony herb vinaigrette, is a pure delight! What's more, it's child's play to prepare.

Believe me, this is the kind of dish that will change your mind about salads and impress your guests at your sunny picnics or evenings out with friends.
💙 Why you'll love it
- Light and refreshing: the perfect summer salad, and these crispy, lightly fried salmon cubes add an original gourmet touch.
- Very easy to prepare: simply pre-cook the zucchini strips, fry the salmon and mix all the ingredients together.
- A healthy, complete meal that's perfect for a small or large gathering in summer.
- Customizable: you can adapt it to your tastes (add other vegetables, add starches, etc.).
- Batch cooking: you can do this up to 3 days in advance.
Other summer salads
Mixed chicken salad
Green bean, vegetable & breaded burrata salad
Salmon, tomato, halloumi & yogurt salad
Rice, tuna, tomato & soft-boiled egg salad
Authentic Greek salad
The ingredients
These are the main ingredients, and the quantities can be found in the recipe card below.
- Zucchinis: in season from May to October inclusive, so enjoy!
- Salmon: to add a little protein to this gourmet salad.
- Panko breadcrumbs: these ultra-crisp Japanese breadcrumbs can be found in most supermarkets.
- Cherry tomatoes: in full season from June to September inclusive!
- Goat's cheese for a little indulgence.
- A red onion: adds freshness and zest to the salad.
- Fresh herbs: basil, chives and parsley.
- Garlicgarlic garlic: if you want to choose your garlic carefully to avoid condoning the enslavement of Chinese prisoners, read my Eco Tips on the subject.
- Spices: paprika and cayenne pepper.
- Mustard, to flavour the vinaigrette.
- A yellow lemon for a tangy vinaigrette.
Vegan and dairy-free version
- To make this recipe vegan, remove the salmon and replace it with vegan imitation salmon. Replace the goat cheese with a vegan cheese of your choice.
- To make this recipe dairy-free, use a dairy-free cheese, of which there are many.
The chef's advice
- Your frying oil should be at 355°F/180°C: above this, the salmon pieces risk disintegrating, and below this, you'll need to leave them longer to brown, so they'll be overcooked inside.
- The trick to finding out if the frying oil is hot is to drop a tiny crumb of Panko breadcrumbs: if it fries right away, it's good.
Frequently asked questions
As it can be kept for 2-3 days in an airtight container in the fridge, yes, you can prepare it a little ahead of time.
I recommend a dry, light, fresh white wine, such as a Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. If you like rosé, a dry, fruity wine like those from Provence may be just the thing! And for red wine lovers, opt for a light wine, such as a Pinot Noir or Gamay.
If your oil hasn't turned black, you can wait for it to cool down and put it back in the bottle for repeated use.
Otherwise, don't pour your frying oil down the sink, or it will clog up. The best thing to do is to put it back in the bottle once it has cooled down (very important, otherwise it will leak), then take it to a waste disposal site with hazardous waste or special household waste. And if that's impossible, at least put it in the non-recyclable waste garbage can.
You can store this salad for 2-3 days in an airtight container in the fridge.
Other gourmet gems
If you make this zucchini salad, it would be so nice to leave me a comment and note the recipe ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. You can also tag me on Instagram , Pinterest , Facebook or Tik Tok or even send me a photo - I love seeing my dishes in your homes!
📖 Recette
Salade de courgettes
- Des plaques de cuisson
- 350 g de courgettes
- 250 g de saumon
- Un peu de farine
- 1 oeuf
- Un peu de Chapelure Panko
- 200 g de tomates cerises
- 30 g de chèvre
- ¼ d' oignon rouge
- ½ cuillère à café de sel ou à votre convenance
- ½ cuillère à café de poivre ou à votre convenance
- Quelques brins d' aneth
- Quelques feuilles de basilic
Pour la vinaigrette
- 2 cuillères à soupe d' huile d'olive
- 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre balsamique
- 1 cuillère à café d' ail en poudre
- 1 cuillère à café de moutarde moutarde
- 2 cuillères à café de miel
- 1 à 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de citron
- Émincez finement vos courgettes et déposez-les dans une poêle avec un filet d'huile d'olive à feu moyen. Laissez cuire une dizaine de minutes en mélangeant souvent pour que ça n'accroche pas.
- Faites chauffer l'huile de friture dans une poêle. Pendant ce temps, retirez la peau du saumon et coupez-le en grossiers morceaux. Passez-les dans la farine, dans l'oeuf battu au préalable puis dans la chapelure Panko.
- Déposez les morceaux de saumon dans l'huile chaude (180°C) et laissez-les jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient dorés.
- Coupez vos tomates cerises en deux et émincez l'oignon rouge, puis réservez. Dans un plat, mettez les lamelles de courgette, les tomates cerises, l'oignon rouge, le chèvre et les morceaux de saumon.
- Rajoutez le basilic et l'aneth. Pour la vinaigrette, mélangez tous les ingrédients dans un bol et rajoutez-la à votre convenance.
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