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This Lebanese-inspired vegetarian quinoa bowl is ultra gourmet. Featuring quinoa, falafel, grilled vegetables and a homemade labneh (it's so simple!) with zaatar and olive oil, it's the perfect complete plate. And for even more deliciousness, add a sauce made with sesame cream (tahini), fresh herbs, spices and lemon!

💙 Why you'll love it
- It's very easy to make
- It's healthy and delicious at the same time
- Vegetarian and gluten-free
✅ Gluten-free version
The majority of the ingredients in this quinoa bowl are gluten-free.
Nevertheless, check the label on your Greek yoghurt to make sure that, like most, it is gluten-free. The same goes for feta cheese.
You'll need to remove the cumin, however, and use fresh coriander instead of ground. And check the labels on salt and pepper, which can sometimes contain traces of gluten.
🐹 Are there any vegan alternatives?
To make this recipe vegan, nothing could be simpler: replace the Greek yoghurt with vegan yoghurt and the feta cheese with the vegan cheese of your choice.
🧄 Which garlic to buy?
If you want to choose your garlic carefully so you do not encourage the slavery of Chinese prisoners, read my Eco Tips on the subject.
💡 Frequently Asked Questions
A traditional mezze in Lebanese cuisine, labneh is a type of fresh cheese made from Greek yogurt, drizzled with olive oil and spices, and served as a spread or in dishes.
You can buy it in some cheese shops and sometimes in specialized grocery stores.
Also known as tahin or tahina, sesame cream is typical of Oriental cuisine. It's made from sesame seeds that are ground with water to a more or less homogenous, smooth paste.
You can find it in organic stores and some supermarkets.
If you make this falafel quinoa bowl, it would be so nice to leave me a comment and rate the recipe ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. You can also tag me on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or Tik Tok, or even send me a photo, I love seeing my little dishes in your homes!
📖 Recette
Falafel quinoa bowl
For the homemade labneh
- 1 cup Greek yogurt
- 1 tablespoon zaatar
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
For the quinoa bowl
- 10 falafels
- ¼ ⅛ cups quinoa
- ¼ cup feta cheese
- 1 handful pine nuts pignons
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 medium zucchini
- ½ red onion
- Salt to taste
- Pepper to taste
For the tahini sauce
- 3 tablespoons tahini sesame paste
- 1 lemon
- ½ teaspoon garlic powder
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon ground coriander
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon ground paprika
- 1 tablespoon chives
- 1 tablespoon mint leaves
- 5 tablespoons water
La veille
- Préparez le labneh en mettant le yaourt grec dans un torchon propre, que vous mettrez dans une passoire au dessus d'un grand bol. Refermez le torchon et laissez reposer environ 24 heures au frigo.
Le jour J
- Préparez la sauce en mélangeant les herbes émincées, le jus de citron, l'ail pressée, le tahini, les épices, l'huile d'olive et l'eau.
- Faites cuire le quinoa et émincez l'oignon rouge et la courgette, que vous ferez revenir dans une poêle avec un filet d'huile d'olive, à feu moyen, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tendres.
- Réchauffez les falafels (à la poêle ou au four, sans matière grasse).
- Dans des bols, déposez le labneh, que vous arrosez de zaatar et d'huile d'olive, ainsi que les falafels, le quinoa égoutté, les légumes cuits et des pignons de pin. Émiettez la feta, parsemez d'herbes fraîches, salez, poivrez et régalez-vous !
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